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型 號 規 格
kingdog 680g/罐


巧克力漿(罐) 680g< 瑞輝 >
規格 680g/罐
主要原料:玉米糖 漿、糖、水、可可粉、香草精、鹽、乳化劑、己二烯酸 鉀

它可與 親水性原料快速混合均勻,操作方便、變化多樣。巧克 力漿可淋在鬆餅、蛋糕上,味香色更美;淋在聖代或刨 冰上,清涼又可口;加入牛奶中攪拌,就是一杯香醇濃 郁的牛奶巧克力飲品,與鮮奶油一起打發打入蛋糕體, 製成各式蛋糕,它都是您最好的選擇。

Chocolate syrup (can) 680g <Shui Fai>
 Size 680g / jar
 Main raw materials: corn syrup, sugar, water, cocoa powder, vanilla extract, salt, emulsifiers, potassium sorbate

 It can be quick and mixing hydrophilic material, easy to operate diverse. Chocolate can be poured in the muffins, cake, shiang color more beautiful; or ice cream on the sundae, cool and delicious; add milk and stir, is a cup of rich milk chocolate drink alcohol, and sent into the cake with fresh cream body , Made all kinds of cake, it is your best choice.

  地址:台中市東區三賢街215號        客服信箱: kinki.ryoko@yahoo.com.tw
電話:04-22130356 / 22130373 / 04-22125183        傳真:04-2212-4826
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