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型 號 規 格
kingdog 3kg/罐


正香軒巧克力醬-大(罐) 3kg< 瑞輝 >
規格 3kg/罐
主要原料:食用 性油脂、特級砂糖、奶粉、可可粉、乳化劑、香料
牛奶巧克力塗抹在厚片吐司或一 般吐司,立刻散發濃農牛奶巧克力香,再經烘焙後,口 感更為香脆,讓你吃了口齒留香。本包裝專供早餐店、 速食店使用,塗抹吐司(厚片吐司)、麵包、鬆餅

Hong Xuan is chocolate sauce - a large (tank) 3kg <Shui Fai>
 Specifications 3kg / cans
 Main ingredients: edible oils, extra sugar, milk powder, cocoa powder, emulsifiers, spices
 Instructions for use:
 Milk chocolate coated in thick pieces of toast or general toast, and immediately distributed in Hong thick milk chocolate farm, and then by baking, the texture is more crisp, so you eat articulate fragrant. The packaging specifically for breakfast, fast food use, spread toast (thick slices of toast), breads, muffins

  地址:台中市東區三賢街215號        客服信箱: kinki.ryoko@yahoo.com.tw
電話:04-22130356 / 22130373 / 04-22125183        傳真:04-2212-4826
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